
About me

My name is Shailesh Shrestha. I am a Remote Sensing and GIS professional. Here i occasionally write different stuffs related to Remote Sensing and GIS. You can follow me on twitter.

My research interests include GEOBIA, multi-spectral and hyper-spectral image analysis, LiDAR, machine learning algorithms,  and web mapping.

I speak:
Remote Sensing Scripting:  MATLAB, PYTHON, R, GDALand IDL.
Web mapping: HTML, JavaSript, PHP, jQuery, OpenLayers.

I use:
ArcGIS, ArcGIS ModelBuilder,QGIS, GRASS,  ENVI, ERDAS, eCognition, PostGIS, Geoserver, MATLAB, LAStools

I am a photography enthusiatic. If you like photography, visit my flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    I'm doing hyperspectral image mixed pixel classification, for that if you any hyperspectral image with related matlab code, kindly share it. Thanks in advance.
